Only Limited By Your Imagination

Whether you need research & development, production or you have an idea for the next big CBD product. Attilah will provide an affordable, fast, low-risk way to launch your first-run of product in our cGMP certified facilities, using our private label services as your foundation.

Calling All Spas, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Gyms, and Health & Wellness Shops!

Interested in selling your own branded CBD product? Our private labeling prices are significantly lower than purchasing and reselling some other company’s product. Not only can you realize better margins by hiring us to produce an in-house brand for you, but our team of certified professionals will bottle, seal, label, package, and drop ship your bulk and wholesale finished products.

The brand exposure and consumer impressions you’re gaining is invaluable, adding additional incentive to keep your customers coming back for your product.

Email us to figure out if this option is best for you.
